Monday, January 14, 2013

January: Two YouTube Gurus to Watch!

Here's a quick list of some YouTube makeup gurus you should be watching right now instead of reading this blog. In no particular order...

Michael James

This channel is Ah-Maz-Ing. Seriously. Michael James, androgyny royalty and self-proclaimed alchemist of makeup, hails from the UK and has over fifty-five thousand subscribers and over four million views. His videos range from common YouTube tags, to DIY projects, to makeup tutorials, to cooking. Yes, you read that right, cooking. (If you every read this, those chocolate cinnamon cupcakes were divine! I couldn't help but re-create them.) His makeup looks are always dramatic and edgy- just my thing. Not to mention, he has the most tantalizing voice I've ever heard. Go subscribe now, and watch!

Nikkie Tutorials

This Dutch diva has over two hundred and fifty subscribers, and over thirty-six million views! Things I love about her: Dutch accents are one of the most unique accents in the world, she's not afraid of her cosmetics, and this girl knows how to contour. Like seriously. Give her some bronzer and a brush and she can make supermodel sky-high cheekbones appear out of nowhere. Hell, give her some mud and a stick and she could probably do a better job than most. For all you ladies out there that keep telling me you don't want to take tips from drag queens and that contouring isn't important, you're wrong, and this woman is proof. She also has a great selection of other fashion and skin care related videos. Go check her out!

As always, follow me on Twitter, like me on FaceBook,  visit my homepage at, and check out my Youtube channel!

1 comment:

  1. This channel is Ah-Maz-Ing. Seriously. Michael James, androgyny royalty and self-proclaimed alchemist of makeup, hails from the UK and has over fifty-five thousand subscribers and over four million views. buy youtube comments
