Monday, January 21, 2013

Spring 2013: Five Products to Buy

Riding the coat tails of my last post, here are five trending products to buy this season!

MAC Mineralize Skin Finishes

Natural, glowing skin is in, and these baked mineral foundations have just enough coverage to even out the skin tone while giving a healthy, luminous glow. Pair with your favorite bronzer and just a touch of mascara for a minimal look that's all the rage this season. 

Sigma Beauty Expert Brow Design Kit

Full, sculpted brows are an emphasis this season, and this kit makes it easy to perfectly groom your arches. The products in the kit are now available individually on!

Red Cherry Lashes

Models all over the world are sporting long, fluttering lashes this season. Stock up at! Favorites of mine include #05 and #102.

MAC Eyeshadows in Newly Minted,  Rose, and Samoa Silk

If you managed to get your hands on the Spring '13 Forecast Pallets then you're in luck! If not, try these shades for all the popular colors!

MAC Lipsticks in Russian Red, Ruby Woo, and Lady Danger

As far as red lips go, these colors are all classics. Runways were showcasing brighter and more orange reds this season.

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