Monday, December 31, 2012

My latest obsession, or, the Sigma F80 flat top kabuki brush.

So i was doing a little makeup shopping last night and came across the Sigma store they just opened at the Mall of America. Intrigued, I entered.

Let me just start off by saying that I've never actually used Sigma brushes before. Until now we didn't have a Sigma store in the Twin Cities area and I'm really hesitant about ordering brushes online because I'm very picky.

This brush is the only one I walked away with, but now I'm ready to go back for more! It's your standard mid-sized flat-top long-handled kabuki brush. The bristles are a buttery soft Sigmax synthetic fiber and the brush lays beautifully on the skin. It works both powders and cremes beautifully, but this ones going in my personal kit for my own foundation routine.

The kicker? A brush of this size and caliber will cost you around fifty dollars at any of the various makeup stores in the area. What did I pay? $18. That's it. Same brushes, if not better, for a half or even a third of the price!

What: Sigma F80 flat top kabuki brush
How Much: $18
Recommended? Oh hell yes.

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