Friday, March 15, 2013

Help me get my business up and running!

Hi guys!

As you may know, I've been working for the past couple years as a freelance makeup artist while I was in school. Due to financial issues, I was recently forced to leave school and am now pursuing my career full time. I've been working for MAC cosmetics for the past few months, and have been offered gigs for weddings and parties left and right, but have been unable to take them because I don't have all the equipment. Also, I've been borrowing an airbrush system from a fellow artist when gigs require airbrushing, but this is getting to be far too inconvenient, so I'm trying to get funding together for that as well.

The downside is that I'm fresh out of college and have little to no financial support from my family to get this venture started. Below is the link for an IndieGoGo campaign I started. If you can donate, awesome, if you can't, please pass the word along and share with all your social networks. Thank you!

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