Thursday, January 3, 2013

Lip Corrections, or, Sam Evans v. Angelina Jolie

The quest for the perfect lips has begun. Now for the real question - what is the ideal lip shape?

The answer - there isn't one! Lips, like the rest of our lovely facial features, are highly personal and depend on our own taste and facial structure. However, there are many way to augment and correct your lips to make them look better, fuller, and more proportionate.

Lips that are too thin...

Over draw them with your favorite lip liner! Be cautious and don't go too overboard. As a general rule of thumb, one should not overdraw more than one pencil line width over their natural shape, that is, if you outline the lips once, there should never be skin showing between your line and your lips. This will make them look bigger on the face without being too dramatic or clownish. Also, experiment with applying a lighter lip color to the center of the lips - this will make them look fuller!

Lips that are very thick...

One might say that having large, luscious lips is the ideal, but some ladies out there are indeed self-conscious about their voluptuous pucker. To help minimize overly-large lips, line the lips in a pencil that matches your skin tone. Then, apply your favorite lip color to the insides of the lips, up to, but not over the top of your liner. This will create the illusion of smaller lips!

Mouth width...

Just like the thickness of your lips, the width of your mouth is also something that can be augmented with makeup. As a general rule of them, the corners of the mouth should fall just short of the center of the eyes. If your mouth is too wide, simply line a new lip shape that is slightly narrower and fill in with your favorite lip color. For narrow mouths, make sure you're taking that liner all the way to the corners, and maybe even slightly beyond!

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